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Embracing Faith and Hope Amidst Parkinson's Journey

In a heartfelt and candid video, Tim shares his personal journey with early-onset Parkinson's disease, taking us through the highs and lows that have led him to a crucial decision – Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. As he faces the uncertainty of the days ahead, Tim reflects on the challenges that have shaped his perspective and deepened his faith.

Tim's journey began innocently enough, with subtle signs in his right hand that he initially dismissed as fatigue. Little did he know, this was the onset of a battle with Parkinson's disease. The subsequent years were marked by medical consultations, tests, and the shocking revelation of his father's esophageal cancer diagnosis. In the midst of personal and familial trials, Tim found solace in faith and sought medical advice. His perseverance and dedication to finding answers eventually led to a Parkinson's diagnosis. Armed with the knowledge that although he would not die from this disease, he would have to learn how to live with the disease, Tim confronted the realities of living with a progressive disease that threatened to take away his ability to play music, engage fully with his family, and maintain his professional life.

As the symptoms worsened, Tim explored various treatments, from medications to physical therapy, all while grappling with the emotional toll of the disease. He opens up about the impact on his family life, expressing the frustration of missing out on simple joys with his children and the challenges of providing for his family.

Despite the difficulties, Tim's resilient spirit shines through as he contemplates the next step in his journey – deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. Tim emphasizes the hope that this surgery brings, potentially restoring his movement and reducing the need for medication.

You can follow his journey along with us.

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